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Specter Of Madoff?

by digby

Good old Snarlin Arlen strikes again. Apparently, he has been raising money for his reelection with a web site that appears to be collecting money for cancer research. I’m not kidding.

Here’s Adam Green:

Where’s the media outrage over a true scandal, Arlen Specter’s Cancergate? (Yes, I’m coining that term — to describe Specter tricking the public into donating to a cancer cure website that actually funds his political campaign.)

Also today, I believe I’m first to break some news: Arlen Specter’s campaign has quietly changed his “Specter for the Cure” website after initially denying it was a scandal. And I have the screenshots to prove it.

Check out the screen shots. It’s nearly impossible to believe anyone could be so dumb, but apparently that’s what they want us to think.

And he hasn’t even really started to run yet. What other stupid Republican tricks are we going to have to put up with? Didn’t we have enough thick headed fools in the Democratic Party already?

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