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Smelling Salt Alert

by digby

Are we really going to have a hissy fit about Wanda Sykes making crude jokes about the fatuous gasbag now? Really? It’s inappropriate now for someone to joke about Limbaugh being the 20th highjacker? The guy who called the majority leader “Mullah Daschle?” Who called Obama, “Osama” about 7,320 times? Even Keith Olbermann is wagging his finger over this — the guy who names Limbaugh the worst person in the world virtually every night.

According to Keith, the problem isn’t so much what she said, it’s that she said it at the White House Correspondents dinner which is an inappropriate venue. These are very sensitive, important people, you know, and it’s rude to be rude in front of them. It embarrasses the poor souls to have someone make crude jokes about the crudest, most despicable man in politics. Why that should be, I do not know.

But Pat Buchanan gets to the heart of it: it was mean to the Republican Party. Attacking Limbaugh was attacking Republicans everywhere according to him. He wasn’t even there but he is the head of the GOP and And no matter what swill he puts out on his radio show to millions of people every single day, that just isn’t done.

They should just get rid of these stupid events. Every year the press corps demonstrates what idiots they are. They get huffy when the joke’s aimed at them, they think it’s hilarious when it is crudely personal and aimed directly at the first lady, they laugh uproariously when the president jokes about not finding weapons of mass destruction but get the vapors when somebody takes aim at Rush Limbaugh. Really, it’s just too ridiculous.


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