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Burning The Strawman

by digby

I set out this morning to write a piece rebutting Helene Cooper’s silly NYT article accusing Obama of attacking strawmen in his speeches (just like Junior!), but got tired and depressed about half way through and just gave up. The villagers are so in love with their new “Obama is just like Bush” meme that they aren’t even trying to make sense with it. Luckily for you, Publius at Obsidian Wings took the time to rebut the ridiculous thing in detail, so you can see just how idiotic her thesis really is.

I have no problem legitimately criticizing Obama for positions he’s taken that are consistent with the Bush administration, but when the press starts this kind of puerile foolishness, you know the honeymoon is over and we’re back to politics for dummies. It’s not a good sign. Conservatives tend to be the ones setting the agenda when that happens.


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