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Keep Fighting

by digby

Unsurprisingly, but depressing nonetheless, the California Supreme’s upheld Prop 8. Courage Campaign isn’t giving up:

PROP 8 UPHELD: Be fearless in response — Contribute now to air our new “Fidelity” TV ad across California. The California Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Proposition 8 is extremely disappointing, but we don’t have time to mourn their failure to restore marriage equality to California.

It’s time to go on offense. To be fearless in our fight for equality.
Starting right now.

Contribute here.

In response, the Courage Campaign will hit the California airwaves with a 60-second TV ad version of “Fidelity” — the heartbreaking online video viewed by more than 1.2 million people, making it the most-watched video ever in the history of California politics.

We are launching this provocative new TV ad in the spirit of Harvey Milk’s call
to “come out, come out wherever you are” and proudly tell the stories of the people most affected by the passage of Prop 8 — in moving images set to the beat of Regina Spektor’s beautiful song.

Watch the new “Fidelity” TV ad now and — if you want more people to see it — make a contribution to put it on the air in Bakersfield, Fresno, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento and San Francisco.


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