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Big Thanks

by digby

I just wanted to thank my pal Batocchio for stepping in to help out while I was otherwise engaged at the AFN conference. If you didn’t get a chance to see his Torture Apologia Chart, you should give it a look. It’s a masterful compendium of torture excuses that should be printed out and give to every “strategist” who goes on television to debate these apologists. I’m grateful that he was willing to share some of his great stuff with Hullabaloo readers over the past few days. And be sure to read his work regularly over on Vagabond Scholar.

And speaking of which, I should remind you all again that my most excellent co-blogger dday writes many more great posts daily on his own blog D-Day and at Calitics which is the premier California blog and one of the only sources of liberal analysis of our state’s politics. The man’s a writing machine and it’s all good.


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