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by digby

Shepard Smith tells it like it is about Fox Viewers:

It would be really nice if the designated “liberals” on Fox (which Shep is not) would be this honest. Instead you get Juan Williams genuflecting before the Falafel King like he’s a 16th century papal supplicant. It’s humiliating.

Good for Shepard Smith. And good for Fox for letting Shep be Shep.

Update: Little Green Footballs recognizes the obvious as well:

With the Tiller shooting and now this — the DHS report that caused such an uproar has been vindicated.

The report was a heads-up to law enforcement, warning of a risk of increased attacks from right wing extremists, and with two attacks in two weeks (in addition to the cop killer in Pittsburgh, the white nationalist with components for a dirty bomb, the plot by skinheads to assassinate Obama, and more) it looks like the heads-up was well warranted.

If anyone’s interested in the relationship between these violent extremists and the mainstream, David Niewert’s book is a good place to start:

And, by the way, I’m sure David is available for interviews, if anyone on TV or radio would like an expert to weigh in on this current spate of violence. Nobody can connect the dots on this subject like he can.


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