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by digby

John Amato caught Chuck Grassley letting the cat out of the bag:

Sen. Grassley, the Mad Twitterer, was on with Andrea Mitchell and she asked him about the public option. She didn’t bring up his tweets, unfortunately. He said that he was against the public option because a think tank study told him around a hundred and nineteen million people would opt out of private health insurance and join it.

There you have it. He’s obviously not including the uninsured, who are only opting out of horrible anxiety and bad health. He’s admitting that over a third of the American people would leave their current crappy insurance company (or job they loathe but are stuck in because it’s the only way they can get decent coverage) and choose a public health option, which is a big problem for the insurance companies. Therefore, Americans must not be given that choice.

Meanwhile, Grassley and his fellow corporate servants will tell you that the key to bringing down costs is competition.


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