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Down To The Wire

by digby

Jane sez:

Paul Martin from PeaceAction is up on the Hill today. He emails this:

House leadership definitely does not have the votes yet. It sounds like the leadership is going to use floor time tonight on various votes to do face-to-face whipping. If they have the votes, the house will bring the supplemental up as early as tomorrow. This confirms what I’ve heard from other sources on the Hill — they would like to bring the bill up first thing tomorrow morning. If they don’t, we’ll know they don’t have the votes.

Keep calling, these Reps voted “no” the last time and now won’t say where they stand. They need to be reminded of their 2007 commitment not to vote for any war funding that doesn’t have a timetable for withdrawal:

Steve Cohen (202) 225-3265 Chakah Fattah (202) 225-4001
Mike Honda (202) 225-6335 Ann Kirkpatrick (202) 225-2315
Doris Matsui (202) 225-7163 Ed Markey (202) 225-2836
Jim McDermot (206) 553-7170 Gwen Moore (202) 225-4572
Jared Polis (202) 225-2161 Jan Schakowsky (202) 225-2111
Mike Thompson (202) 225-3311 john Tierney (202) 225-8020
Mel Watt (202) 225-1510 Anthony Weiner (202) 225-6616

Tell us what you hear with our whip tool here.

Jane and the FDL gang and Brave New Films and a whole bunch of others have done some really great work here. They could use your help in the stretch. If the leadership has to pull this vote it’s the first sign that the progressives are going to have a real voice in this government. And wouldn’t that be something?


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