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It’s Their Country. We Just Live In It

by tristero

Jill Richardson of the indispensable food blog La Vida Locavore lists the the top 100 lobbyists in America ordered by policy sector. Read it and weep. As Jill says:

NO WONDER our policy sucks. No wonder it’s nearly impossible to pass health care reform that provides all Americans with affordable care, a global warming bill that doesn’t suck, and the Employee Free Choice Act. No wonder we’re in these two stupid wars. I know everyone’s aware of the problems lobbying poses to our country, but good lord, if people saw the sheer magnitude of it (and the comparatively paltry amounts spent in the people’s interest) they would be outraged.

I agree with everything but the last assertion. In general, people in the US aren’t outraged about this. They think it’s normal, natural, but even if it’s deplorable, there’s nothing to be done to stop it.

BTW, this is only some fraction of the total amount these companies spend on lobbying. Let’s not forget that they have to bribe lobby the media as well.

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