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The Log In The Eye

by digby

I am not surprised that anti-choice groups in Kansas would receive threats of violence in the wake of Dr Tiller’s assassination. The world is full of violent people. But one does have to point out that there are no known cases of assassinations having been carried out against them, while there’s a pile of corpses of doctors and clinic workers who have been killed by people on the allegedly “pro-life” side. These anti-choice zealots all claim that the assassins are lone wolves who have nothing to do with the movement. If that’s the case, if I were getting threatened, I’d be looking a little closer to home. That’s where the real nuts are.

Again, I hesitate to dismiss their complaints because the world is full of violence and it wouldn’t surprise me if they are getting threats, but this complaining about being in personal danger is more than a little bit ironic considering well… you know:

Around the nation, anti-abortion leaders have been taking precautions before and after the shooting, said the Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Christian Defense Coalition.

“I don’t want to go into detail, but I know for a fact that numerous pro-life leaders travel with bulletproof vests,” Mahoney said…

“Abortion is an emotional, controversial subject on both sides of the issue, and when you have that kind of emotion… on the fringes of both sides of the divide you’re going to have people who lash out,” he said.

Except only one side routinely blows up clinics and shoots and kills people on the other side. But I guess you can’t be too careful.

h/t to bb

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