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by digby

In a committee hearing, Barbara Boxer asked a General not to call her m’am, but to call her Senator. According to Townhall, via Sadly No! this is tantamount to treason.

Here’s a sample of the comments:

“She’s my senator too, unfortunately, and let’s be honest…..if she were screwing her aids, she wouldn’t be paying them to keep quiet…..she’d be paying them to screw her.”

I’ve spent the last 20 minutes trying to clean up my keyboard that I spewed Dr. Pepper over after reading this. I also almost choked on it.

I actually taught my five kids to speak to their elders with “yes, sir”, “no sir” and “yes, ma’am” and “no ma’am”, just as I was taught. It is a sign of respect. To try and humiliate a general like that, who was showing total respect, shows the angry feminazi that is the Babs Boxers and the Jillianeanas of this country.

Can any of you imagine the nightmare of actually being married to such an angry and hostile woman as Boxer…or Jilli? GRBU2 had it exactly right. These totally awful women just look for ways to be offended.

I think this person may really believe that he or she is a respectful, decent human being with upstanding morals and old fashioned family values. That’s the scary part.


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