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Funny Stuff

by digby

The New York Times’ new humorist, Ross Douthat, is a laugh riot:

[I]n state capital after state capital, the downturn has highlighted the weaknesses of liberal governance — the zeal for unsustainable social spending, the preference for regulation over job creation, the heavy reliance for tax revenue on the volatile incomes of the upper upper class. […]And it also helps explain Obama’s current difficulties. The president is pushing a California-style climate-change bill at a time when businesses (and people) are fleeing the Golden State in droves. He’s pushing a health care plan that looks a lot like the system currently hemorrhaging money in Massachusetts. His ballooning deficits resemble the shortfalls paralyzing state capitals from Springfield to Sacramento.

Hahaha. It’s the liberal governance of California over the past 25 years that’s brought us to this place not the anti-tax fervor and institutional obstructionism wrought by the the conservatives.

Boy, that’s a good one.

And yeah, the old saw that people are leaving the state in droves is back. Fine. According to Douthat, Texas is doing just swimmingly during this recession so maybe they’re all going there. I’m sure the conservative Texans will be very pleased…


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