by digby
I hope Glenn Beck’s “9/12” events are going to be a big bust. But just in case they aren’t, people should probably be prepared. Go to this website, Resistnet, which is one of the main teabagger organizers, along with Beck’s 9/12 group, and see what they are up to.
Resistnet is a right wing frontgroup, as is most of the Freedomworks teabag nexus:
ResistNet is a Web site, that says it is “the online community for patriotic citizens who are opposing the Obama-led socialist agenda with a patriotic, idea-based, conservative resistance.” It’s “About Us” page is not a valid URL (as of August 13, 2009). The site contains no contact information (phone, address, or email) for ResistNet but does provide a way to donate and the site sells “resistance gear” (tote bags, etc.). Its home page constantly refers to Congressmembers’ recess town hall discussions about health care reform as “Obamacare town hall” meetings, and calls health care reform proposals “Obamacare.” The site is created by a group called Grassfire.org,[1], a conservative issues advocacy group set up by Shirley & Banister Public Affairs. The president of Shirley & Bannister Public Affairs is Craig Shirley, a long-time Republican PR operative
The site is very slick, as is Beck’s.
It’s hard to know how many people are going to attend the Washington event or others around the country. But if this list of buses coming to DC is true, there could be a decent turnout.
And unlike the huge global protest marches against the Iraq war, I think we can expect these events to get a ton of play on television. The good news is that the protesters are teabaggers and will likely say many ridiculous things. The bad news is that because it’s on TV it’s going to convince a lot of people that these ridiculous things have merit. It would be really nice if the designated Democrats were prepared instead of sputtering stupidly as usual.
let’s hope this isn’t a big story, but it could be. The media loves these guys.