Dunn Is Done
by tristero
No question about it: Anita Dunn, soon-to-be-former White House Communications Director, is living on another planet. What the hell was she thinking? If that was a joke – and the characterization of Mao and Mother Teresa as “two of my favorite political philosophers” – could only be a joke, it was one helluva stupid one, especially to be making to high school grads.
Some decry this as a typical Beckian fake controversy. Not in the slightest: our politicians on both the right and the left, need to respect the solemn responsibilities we have given them. Imagine, for example, the outraged reaction, the calls for impeachment from across the media and the political spectrum, if, say, George W. Bush, had ever dared to “joke”:
A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there’s no question about it
So, bye, bye and good riddance, Ms. Dunn! Don’t slam the door on the way out, Anita.
Wait…hold on… what’s that, again?
You’re kidding, right? George W. Bush actually joked three times in public about wanting to be a dictator, and nobody except a few hyper-paranoid bloggers* made a big deal about it?
Never mind. [Intoned in the best imitation of Roseanne Roseannadanna Emily Litella you can muster. ]
*I was one of them. For some weird reason, I’m allergic to publicly-expressed wishes to become a dictator when the president of the United States makes them. Probably because I’m pretty godamm sure their “joke” barely conceals a huge jones for an oppressive, murderous, torturing tyranny that spies on its own citizens and replaces the rule of law with that of men, We were dead right to be worried about Bush, but Dunn, no matter how flaky her remarks , represents no threat to anyone.