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Must Watch, Must Weep

by digby

From the Vote No on 1 campaign:

Mr. Spooner is an 86-year-old WWII vet who testified in support of marriage equality before the Maine legislature. It’s powerful. It’s moving.

If you live in Maine or know someone who does, vote tomorrow come what may. This isn’t some partisan kabuki dance about undiscernible differences between ruling class clones. This is about whether or not LGBT people are going to be allowed to participate fully in society. It’s simple, it’s real, it’s unambiguously necessary.

Republicans will take their likely wins in NY and Virginia tomorrow as a mandate for more teabaggery even though it’s absurd. And if Corzine loses it’s probably a repudiation of Goldman economics, even though Corzine is about the best ex-Goldman exec out there.

(On that one, as Ken at DWT says:

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Anyone who’s considering voting for Chris Christie, in a state that doesn’t have a lieutenant governor, should insist on a clear statement of the gubernatorial succession rules covering all contingencies — for example, if he’s indicted after being elected but before taking office, and whether he’s required to resign as soon as he’s indicted, etc.

But if Maine loses, the forces of evil will really have won. Again. It’s important that the forces of good GOTV tomorrow.

Adam Bink will be on the radio tonight to talk about the latest in the campaign with updates from Maine. Keep your fingers crossed for the good guys.

Oh, and for all of my Washington state friends out there (you know who you are … ) get yourselves to the voting booth in the morning. There is no room for complacency. Losing Referendum 71 would be a huge defeat for the gay rights movement and nothing can be taken for granted.

It’s a big day tomorrow.


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