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Number One

by digby

Howie made a fun announcement this morning:

Blue America decided to lead off our endorsements for 2010 with a vote from people who have been donating to our PAC and our candidates for the past four years. We offered five progressive stalwarts, all of whom have proven themselves as members of Congress:

Donna Edwards (D-MD)
Alan Grayson (D-FL)
Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ)
Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)

We were gratified to see that all five wound up with tons of votes; each deserves the support. For example, each of them signed Jim McGovern’s letter to President Obama last week asking that he not get swept up in the Military-Industrial Complex’s efforts to escalate the catastrophic and unwinnable war in Afghanistan. And I doubt if it will surprise anyone to find out that each is a co-sponsor of H.R. 1826, John Larson’s Fair Elections Now Act.

So who got the most votes and is about to get a $2,000 contribution from the Blue America PAC and become the first endorsed candidate for 2010? Well, it was probably inevitable at this point in the cycle, but… look for yourself (please) and if you’re in the mood, please chip in a donation to a tough re-election campaign coming up in less than a year.


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