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Fools Rush In

by digby

I’ve heard a number of people make the point that “rushing” into health care reform is the domestic equivalent of the rush into Iraq and therefore, will have the same disastrous results. It’s very clever, but completely absurd. I’ll let Andrew Sullivan explain why:

… [U]nlike the Iraq war, health insurance reform was a signature issue in the previous campaign debates – both primary and general – and a clear Obama campaign pledge from the get-go. Unlike the Iraq war, the proposal’s long term costs have been inspected closely by the CBO. I know no one who believes that the total final costs over ten years could go from $50 billion to, by some estimates, between $2 trillion and $3 trillion and counting. And I know of no one who thinks the end result will wreck America’s international standing. But yes, more debate and scrutiny. If you really think three decades of failures, a year of campaign debate and a year of legislative wrangling really hasn’t aired the issues sufficiently.

I would also add that the health reform effort is not based on lies and misinformation. Everyone knows our system is failing large numbers of people and is costing us more than any other advanced country. The Republicans simply believe that’s the best we can do.


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