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Young Populists

by digby

In this awful economy, frustrations are mounting. Everyone’s been wondering if there would be a show of torches and pitchforks. It looks like it’s started:

Eight people were under arrest today after several dozen protesters shouting “no justice, no peace” attacked Chancellor Robert Birgeneau’s home on the UC Berkeley campus, smashing windows, lights and planters as well as throwing torches at the home and police vehicles, authorities said.

The attack, shortly after 11 p.m. Friday, followed a four-day occupation of Wheeler Hall and the arrest of 66 people who were protesting state funding cutbacks and a steep increase in student fees throughout the University of California system. They were later released.

No injuries or fires were reported in the latest attack. Those arrested were booked on suspicion of rioting, threatening an education official, attempted burglary, attempted arson, felony vandalism and assault. They were being held Saturday in the Alameda County jail on $132,000 bail each.

No pitchforks, but they did have the torches.

Perhaps this is nothing more than the usual campus unrest. But what if it isn’t? And where does the right come down on this?


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