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The Next Steps

by digby

You’ve probably heard that the Senate bill passed today with much fanfare. Jonathan Chait says that it’s “the greatest social achievement of our time.” I think such pronouncements are as fatuous as those I heard just a year ago insisting that Barack Obama’s election changed the face of politics as we know it. (It’s funny to me that Chait condemns the liberals for being inappropriately cynical, when to me the problem is that they are almost always excessively ecstatic and prematurely triumphant — thus creating tremendous disillusionment when things inevitably don’t turn out to be as wonderful as claimed. Different strokes, I guess.) If this bill turns out down the road to have been the greatest social schievement of our time, nobody will be happier than I am. But in the here and now, I wish everyone would be a little bit more cognizant of the political landmines that await and lower expectations just a tad.

And despite what everyone seems to believe, the process isn’t over yet. The House has to agree and there will be more votes. So what’s next? Congress Matters has the scoop. Shorter Kagro: It ain’t over til it’s over.

That’s it for me on this subject until after Christmas. I need a break and I’m sure you do too.
Right now, it’s time to bake some cookies and wrap some presents and enjoy the season.

Update: What McJoan sez


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