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by digby

With all the bellowing on the right about the costs of health care reform, I was surprised to read this over at Krugman’s blog about Bush’s medicare drug deal:

According to the Medicare trustees, Part D created a $9.4 trillion unfunded liability over the next 75 years. That’s a big number, even for an economy as big as ours.

Good God. And they’re bitching about the measly 900 billion in the health care bill that’s paid for?

Krugman answers my next question:

What were they thinking? Mostly, they probably weren’t thinking at all. To the extent that there was a theory of the case, however, it went something like this: pass whatever legislation was needed to win the next election, then, once total conservative political dominance has been achieved, dismantle the whole welfare state.

The best laid plans …

That’s right. In those days they thought they had reinvented politics and begun a thousand year reign. Seems they ran into a glitch. It happens.


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