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Borat He Ain’t

Borat He Ain’t

by digby

The cross-section of the political and media worlds is full of small time hustlers and con-artists. But Breitbart is an original. Mike Stark got a chance to talk to him for quite a while:

Click here to read Mike Stark’s back story on this film.

Also read Joan Walsh’s latest on Breitbart. It’s curiouser and curiouser. It would appear that he’s staging a public nervous breakdown, which leads me to wonder if he now thinks he’s doing some kind of Borat thing too. Very weird.

Just one note: Breitbart says repeatedly that it doesn’t matter that the mainstream media believed that O’Keefe wore that stupid costume in the ACORN offices, but it certainly does. They made it appear that the ACORN workers were so stupid that they couldn’t see through such an obviously ridiculous costume, which further played into O’Keefe’s disgusting racist subtext. And unlike Sasha Baron Cohen, whose movie Borat Brietbart repeatedly compares to the ACORN vids, O’Keefe didn’t actually don the costume and the persona to punk the ACORN workers — he faked it afterward. He didn’t have the guts to actually wear that costume in an ACORN office because he knew he didn’t have the talent to fool even one person. So he cheated. You don’t get to take credit for fooling people if you put it together in the editing room.

The truly shocking thing about all of this is that in the age of Obama, the major media and the US congress were so willing to take such nonsense at face value.


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