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He’s A Leader Cuz He’s Led

He’s A Leader Cuz He’s Led

by digby

Like his predecessor “W”, who famously took the presidency by repeating the line “I know how to lead cuz I’ve led” President Huckleberry is very busy these days. First he laid down the law about terrorist detainees. Now he’s offered to knock some heads together on health care and get this bitch done right:

Graham said Tuesday that a coalition of Republican and Democratic senators could rescue the Senate from an institutional disaster brought on by the use of the parliamentary maneuver known as reconciliation to finish the health care bill.

“Many Republicans who were ready to pull the trigger on the nuclear option on judges are now glad they didn’t,” Graham said. “This place would have ceased to function as we know it. If they do health care through reconciliation, it will be the same consequence. So if you are a moderate Democrat out there looking for a way to deliver health care reforms and not pull the nuclear trigger, there is a model to look at.”

Unfortunately the hyperpartisan Ben Nelson refused to cooperate, so it looks like the Prez is out of luck on that. But Huck isn’t giving up on his agenda. He issued a stern warning to “step it up:”

Graham, less than thrilled at the notion of providing the equivalent of a book report to the headmaster in chief, said Obama’s lack of direction on immigration reform is hampering Graham’s efforts to recruit additional Republicans to the cause.

“At the end of the day, the president needs to step it up a little bit,” Graham told POLITICO on Tuesday. “One line in the State of the Union is not going to do it.”

I hope Obama heard that and snapped to it. Graham is doing his level best to lead this godforsaken country and that Obama fella is standing in the way with his dilly dallying.

Graham is the perfect choice to become the face of the phony “reasonable” Republican 2.0 the Villagers are rolling out for the fall collection. But in truth he’s an unctuous, sanctimonious con man and always has been. My only surprise is that Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman aren’t jumping at the chance to work with him.

Update: Oh God, this sounds bad.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) — the Republican of the moment at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. — was fired up following today’s climate change meeting with President Obama and a bipartisan collection of his colleagues.

He was especially impressed by Obama’s commitment to a comprehensive approach and urged his GOP brethren to follow suit, if everything worked out.

“I’m not going to support some half-assed reform!” he exclaimed.

I hope that anyone in that meeting who cares about the future of the planet checked their backs on the way out to see what might be stuck there.


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