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They Never, Ever quit

They Never, Ever Quit

by digby

Say what you will about the right, but you have to admit that they are tenacious and use every opportunity, win or lose, to organize and advance their agenda:

Several Religious Right activists and California state legislators have unveiled a new effort to take control of the court system “across San Diego County and eventually America” via elections through a new organization called “Better Courts Now”, arguing that Proposition 8 would not have even been necessary if the state had the proper judges: Assemblyman Joel Anderson, R-La Mesa, and one of his predecessors from the 77th Assembly District are among those appearing in videos for a new Chula Vista-based group that is urging conservatives to elect local judges who value “life and traditional family.” The website,, also includes testimonials from at least one person affiliated with the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a group that has been in the center of political battles over gay marriage in California and around the country. “It’s important that we unify our votes so we ensure that solid men and women of high morals, who will not legislate from the bench, are elected to office,” Anderson says in a 97-second video. Later he adds, “We are in full agreement that we need to get behind”

They understand something the left doesn’t —- this is a fight that never ends. It’s easier for them because they are temperamentally suited to permanent battle. But it doesn’t change the fact that there is never going to be a permanent armistice in the march for human progress. After all, we just went through the bloodiest century in history, fighting all this out on the world stage and yet the war, by other means, continues. It’s the nature of our species. Liberals had better recognize that it’s going to take vigilance, creativity and persistence just to protect the progress that’s been made, not to mention any further advances. The reactionaries, authoritarians and sadists never rest.


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