Missing The Real Story
by digby
This point by Jamison Foser can’t be stressed enough:
The hand-wringing at the Post and the Times about being insufficiently attuned to conservative arguments should ring false to any fair-minded person who remembers the role those papers played in the relentless hyping of Clinton-era non-scandals, their heavily slanted coverage of the 2000 presidential campaign, or their disastrously inadequate coverage of the Bush administration’s march to war. (Alexander and the Post editors have ducked requests that they reconcile the paper’s coverage of those events with their statements that the Post needs to be more responsive to conservatives.)
But even worse than the myopic view of their treatment of conservatives over the years was the misguided premise that the media should pay attention to certain people simply because they are ideologically conservative — as if a person’s ideology, rather than the accuracy and honesty and importance of his claims, determines whether he should be taken seriously.
That’s dangerously wrong. It’s the kind of thinking that leads the media to grant equal weight to scientists who say the Earth is warming and politicians who respond by pointing out the continued existence of snow.
And, indeed, the conservative media have spent the last several months proving again and again that they simply do not deserve to be taken seriously.
And yet The New York Times and The Washington Post think they should pay extra attention to claims that come from the right-wing media; that they should be quicker to repeat the nonsense churned out every day by this pack of professional liars, simply because they are conservatives. But the decades-long track record suggests the opposite: The fact that Fox News or The Weekly Standard is promoting some story is pretty good reason to assume it isn’t newsworthy.
Furthermore, this track record suggests that these stories are also a pretty good reason to assume it is propaganda and seek out the motivations and strategy behind them. There is a story in all this, it’s just not the one the right wing media are spinning.
Read Foser’s whole column for a thorough rundown of just the lies these conservative rags have been telling in the past few months. It’s astonishing to see it in one place.
These conservatives the mainstream press feels so compelled to take seriously