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The Finish Line

The Finish Line

by digby

I have to go out and live some real life. The vote is imminent and will, according to all we know, pass. So, I’ll just breathe a big sigh of relief and say congratulations to the Democrats and the president and onward to the next big battles in the Senate.

And more importantly, onward to Alan Grayson’s Medicare for all bill HR4789, which I hope will be part of every progressive’s platform going forward until it’s done.

Update: BTW, I hope the Democrats are prepared to rebut this lie that the bill isn’t paid for. David Gregory, who clearly doesn’t understand anything, can’t stop talking about how expensive the bill is and how it depends on future congresses doing something they likely will not do. Evidently, he thinks deficit projections are written in stone, but legislation is ephemeral.


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