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Grayson Sez

Grayson Sez

by digby

In 1968, a ten-year-old boy had to go to the hospital four times a week for treatment. Without that treatment, he had trouble breathing, and he felt like he was suffocating. Because he was suffocating. His health care was covered by his parents’ health insurance. But then they lost their jobs. They were worried about how they would pay the rent. He was worried about whether he would live or die. How can we let a 10-year-old think about such things? Whether you are Democratic or Republican, left-wing or right-wing, liberal or libertarian, you know in your heart that that’s wrong. And it’s what you know in your heart, your empathy, that makes you human. I was that 10-year-old boy. And I haven’t forgotten.
That’s why I support universal, comprehensive and affordable health care for all American. For you. For me. And for sure, for my five young children, and yours, too. The supposed “sins” of joblessness, homelessness and poverty, those “sins” of the parents, should never descend on the children. I’m fighting for a decent life for all, especially our children. That’s why I voted yes on today’s health care reform bill. It’s an historic first step. Historic. But we’re not done. The framework for a comprehensive health care system is in place. Now we must finish the job. Our Medicare You Can Buy Into Act now has over 80 cosponsors in the House and over 40,000 citizen cosponsors at It’s a simple bill, to let you and me buy into Medicare. You want it, you buy it, you got it.

This reform bill has many holes in it, as you know. And when that becomes obvious, it’s going to be necessary to have the public plan sponsored and ready, the idea fully developed and the political support in place to quickly pass this when the opportunity strikes.


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