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Goldilocks Blueprint

Goldilocks Blueprint

by digby

No wonder Beck is calling his book The Overton Window:

Last night on CNN, Larry King discussed the rise of the tea parties with a variety of guests and featured footage from last weekend’s lobbyist-organized Tea Party Express rally in Searchlight, NV…King noted that programs like Social Security are mandatory and asked if the tea parties would like to “do away with” that program as well. Both tea party organizers enthusiastically said “yes, absolutely” and added that a compromise would be at least privatizing the system:

KING: Would anyone turn away Social Security now? Would you do away with it?

LOESCH: I would, yes.

KING: You would?

LOESCH: Yes, absolutely.

KING: Would do you away with it, Wayne?

ROOT: I’d certainly like to. At best, I do away with it because I could find better ways to spend and save my own $15,000 a year.

Silly teabaggers. Silly us.

But here’s the thing. Until now we haven’t had anyone around who wanted to abolish social security. Now we do. The liberals, of course, want to leave it alone. I’d guess that means the social security commission which is stacked with people who want to cut benefits will be juuuuust right.

*I do think it’s interesting that these people who are railing about mandating people to buy insurance seem fine with a compromise which mandates that they buy mutual funds. But then intellectual consistency isn’t their strong suit.


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