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Beating Blue Dogs Of Kentucky

Beating Blue Dogs of Kentucky

by digby

If you have a few minutes to spare, head over to Crooks and Liars to meet the best Democratic candidate for Jim “Cuckoo” Bunning’s Senate seat, Jack Conway.

The other day I got Jack on the phone and asked him to come by Crooks and Liars today to talk with the Blue America community about his primary race and his probable November run against Rand Paul. He’ll join us this afternoon at 5pm (ET/2pm PT) in the comments section below. Yesterday we posted a thumbnail rundown on the race here. Tomorrow Rand Paul and a mob of anger-stoked teabaggers have announced their intention to march on Jack’s office to demand that he join the right-wing Attorneys General trying to overturn healthcare reform, just as conservative Republicans went crying to the courts to try to kill Social Security when progressives passed that. Problem for little Rand and his band of kooks is that Jack not only supported the healthcare legislation, he’s already thinking of ways to perfect the bill and is one of the first Senate candidates I’ve spoken with who is excited about the Alan– not Trey– Grayson approach to cost controls by offering a Medicare-for-all solution to any American citizen who chooses to buy in.

He turned the frivolous law suit-crazed anti-healthcare fanatics down flat, saying that what they’re asking for is “a Republican Party gimmick” that “makes for good Tea Party politics but is based on questionable legal principles.” Unfortunately, his anti-Choice/anti-gay Democratic opponent, Mongiardo, is on the same page as the Republicans! He seems to be getting his campaign slogans from the same place as Trey Grayson, straight from Mitch McConnell’s office. They’re all talking about trashing the healthcare bill and “starting over,” a pure GOP talking point.

They’re chatting right now. Check it out.


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