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Kewl Kids

Kewl Kids

by digby

I got the funniest e-mail today with the header “Join The Cool Kids Table” (which was funny in itself.)

Here’s what it says:

Don’t get left out of The Politics Online Conference! You know what it feels like to read the news about an awesome event and think to yourself “Why didn’t I go to that!”

Meet the Founder of Ustream, Joe Trippi, The Owner of The Roxy in Hollywood, Mark McKinnon, CNN’s John King and many more.

(Thank god for the happy hour.)

Granted, I’m not a cool kid (or a kewl kid) but I have spent quite a bit of time in online politics these past few years. And with the exception of John King, Trippi and a couple of other people I hadn’t heard of any of the participants or this conference. Turns out it’s been around for a decade. Go figure.

Is there an alternate internet I know nothing about?


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