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Agreeing With Cheney

by tristero

From huffpost:

On the Senate floor for a photo session in 2004, Dick Cheney had a run-in with Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.). After the two argued over Cheney’s ties to Halliburton and President Bush’s judicial nominees, the then-vice president told the senator “f–k yourself.”

Cheney, who has never regretted the incident, appeared on Thursday’s “Dennis Miller Show” and took a compliment about it from the host.

“I love that move,” Miller said while thanking Cheney for going after Leahy. “One of my favorite stories — muttering that.”

Cheney responded that a lot of people liked the comment. “That’s sort of the best thing I ever did.”

I completely agree.

In the sense that it was less despicable to tell someone to go fuck themselves than to authorize llegal invasions, murder, torture, and surveillance, not to mention arrange payoffs to cronies in the energy business, not to mention [fill this space with the truly endless list of Cheney’s crimes and ethical lapses].

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