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Spotting The Banditos

Spotting The Banditos

by digby

Chris Matthews asked Brian Bilbray how the Arizona police would know how to target potential “illegal” immigrants without resorting to racial profiling:

Chris Matthews: …like what, like what? Give me a non-ethnic aspect that would tell you to pick up somebody.

Rep. Bilbray: They will look at the kind of dress you wear, there’s different type of attire, there’s different type of …right down to the shoes, right down to the clothes. But mostly by behavior it’s mostly behavior, just as the law enforcement people here in Washington, DC does it based on certain criminal activity there is behavior things that professionals are trained in across the board and this group shouldn’t be exempt from those observations as much as anybody else.

Oh, he’s absolutely right about that. They’re usually wearing a big sombrero and a pair of bandoliers across their chests. If the cops see anyone who looks and acts like this, they should probably flag him down and demand his papers:


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