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President Huckleberry Lays Down the Law

President Huckleberry Lays Down The Law

by digby

He is the change we’ve been waiting for:

When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided that he would bump climate-and-energy legislation behind immigration reform as his next priority, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was apoplectic. Graham, along with Sens. John Kerry (D-MA), and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), had spent months drafting a climate/energy bill, and was prepared to introduce it Monday, when, enraged by Reid’s plan, he backed out.

Earlier today, Reid appeared to reverse course, saying climate/energy would be the next logical issue to address, followed only afterward by immigration reform. So everything’s groovy, right?

Far from it. Tonight, Graham told me that he will filibuster his own climate change bill, unless Reid drops all plans to turn to immigration this Congress

There you have it. Or, to paraphrase James Baker, “fuck the Latinos. They don’t vote for us anyway.”

And I will bet you that he’ll vote against the climate change bill in the end.


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