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Watering Pots

Watering Pots

by digby

Here’s a shocking development …

Senate Republicans offered counter-proposals on financial regulation reform on Tuesday that seek to water down portions of a massive Democratic bill that has been under development for months.

The Democrats should stand tough and walk away from this one if they have to. I’ll be very interested to see if they have the nerve.

There is precedent for letting the Republicans roll around in their own manure while the Democrats come out smelling like roses. They ought to give it a try.

Update: I’m hearing that smart people think forcing the Republicans to continuously vote no on financial reform and refusing to accept their “shitty deal” makes the Democrats look weak.

If this is true then the Democrats should just abdicate their 59 seat majority and let the Republicans write all the legislation from the beginning. This is all just a supreme waste of time.

The good news is that both parties would be able to say they voted for a Republican financial reform bill, so that’s good. We wouldn’t want the Democrats to have any advantage in what may be shaping up to be a mid-term slaughter. That wouldn’t be fair.


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