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What Could You Do With An Extra Trillion Dollars?

What Could You Do With An Extra Trillion?

by digby

The congress slithered out of town last week after kicking the unemployed to the curb while preening and braying about “fiscal responsibility.” Meanwhile, today we celebrate an ignominious milestone: we have passed the trillion dollar mark for the cost of the misbegotten Afghan and Iraq wars. (And that’s undoubtedly a very low estimate.)

Rethink Afghanistan is observing the day with a fun game we can all play: How would YOU spend one trillion dollars?

On May 30, we’ll pass the $1 trillion mark for the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. That’s a trillion dollars we could have used to create jobs, keep people in their homes, or make sure sick kids can see a doctor. Politicians and pundits throw the word “trillion” around like it’s chump change, and that means most people don’t have any idea how much $1 trillion actually is. To get you thinking about the true cost of the wars, we’ve created a game that asks: “How would YOU spend $1 trillion?” Show us how you’d spend $1 trillion. Then share it with everyone you know so people understand and start talking about spending $1 trillion in ways that help others, instead of wasting it on two bloody, costly wars that haven’t made us safer.

Oh, and needless to say, last week while they were denying any more COBRA subsidies to the long term unemployed in the name of deficit reduction, they passed another emergency war supplemental.

This is how empires destroy themselves.


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