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Teabag originalism among Phoenix’s finest

Teabag Originalism

by digby

After reading my piece yesterday about the call for the repeal of birthright citizenship among the neocon teabaggers, a reader sent me this link to the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association’s website. If you have any illusions about the motivations among certain police officers in Arizona, you will lose them once you read this:

Is This the Intent of the 14th Amendment?

Danny_Ledezma_MartinezDHS and ICE indices were negative for the suspected shooter Danny Ledezma Martinez (DOB 10/16/79). Database information indicates that the suspect is a native born US Citizen. The suspect’s parents Ezequiel Martinez-Lopez and Norma Ledezma-Soto both became naturalized in Phoenix on May 25, 1987.

Was the intent of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution to allow foreign nationals to run onto US soil to birth their children as a means of obtaining US Citizenship? This practice has become so frequent over the years that children born in this manner are referred to as “Anchor Babies”. Phoenix Police Officers and their families continue to pay the ultimate price at the hands of suspects who are themselves illegal immigrants or who like Daniel Martinez have a direct connection to illegal immigration.

Once again Chief Harris is on the wrong side of the issue. While officers continue to die in the street, the Chief was in Washington DC along with police Chief’s from several other states to meet with Attorney General Eric Holder and hold a national press conference for the express purpose voicing their opposition to SB-1070.

So it’s not just “illegal immigrants” and children of “illegal immigrants” it’s even children of naturalized citizens or anyone who’s a “direct connection to illegal immigration.” What do you suppose are the chances of profiling among the people who belong to this organization?

It’s becoming clear that the 14th amendment really is under assault. But just because it’s the amendment put in place after the civil war to guarantee the citizenship of former slaves, due process and equal protection doesn’t mean these people are racists. Not at all. Why would you even think such a thing?


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