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Even if it’s not illegal it just doesn’t smell right

Smell Test Redux

by digby

Dave Weigel reports this entirely predictable bit of public opinion:

A new Fox News poll asks 900 registered voters about the (now cooling, it seems) saga of White House job offers to Senate candidates Andrew Romanoff of Colorado and Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania. Only 12 percent of voters think such offers are illegal, yet 54 percent — including more than a third of Democrats — want them to be investigated. Why? Because 40 percent of voters think the offers were at least “unethical” … even though 65 percent think it’s a “common practice.”

That’s all it takes.

“Luckily” for us, there’s a huge catastrophe in the Gulf that is depriving them of enough oxygen and they don’t have the subpoena power to keep it going on their own. But it was a good trial run. They’ve still got it.


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