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Man Of Principle — Rand joins the GOP corpoartist cabal

Man Of Principle

by digby

Bowl me over with a feather. It turns out that Rand Paul isn’t principled after all. Shocker.

Dave Weigel reports that Rand is no longer refusing to accept money from people who voted for the TARP:

Paul campaign manager Jesse Benton confirmed that the pledge is no longer operative, and explained that it was meant for the primary, when Paul was drawing a bright line between himself and Trey Grayson.

“That contest is won,” said Benton. “He won the primary and he didn’t take money from senators who backed the bailout. Now they’re coming to support him, and he’s not going to turn down support from Republicans. They’re not looking for a seat at his table.
They’re supporting him because of his positions, and because of his steadfast commitment to principle.

I would guess he doesn’t have the slightest clue of how ridiculous he sounds.

Update: Oh, and I suppose you’ve heard that Paul forgot to get accredited by the normal medical boards as an ophthalmologist and instead created some home-schooled credential board. He’s perfect for the “You can believe me or you can believe your lying eyes” school of Republican politics.


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