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Texting while driving — nothing is that important.

Nothing Is That Important

by digby

This makes me want to stop driving. Or even leave my house:

About 47 percent of adults who use text messages said they have sent or read text messages while driving, the Pew Internet & American Life Project reported. A September 2009 study from the same group found that 34 percent of teenagers aged 16 and 17 reported the same behavior. In the general population, those numbers mean that 27 percent of all American adults have texted while driving their cars.

I don’t care how good you are at it, that’s just cracked. I personally witnessed an accident a block from my house in which someone was texting and went right through a red light and broadsided a van. The driver was just oblivious, concentrating on her little screen.
The fact that more adults do it than teenagers doesn’t surprise me in the least. And they are probably far less competent at the task as well, which makes them even more distracted and dangerous. It’s just dumb..

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