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Mining The Border —- the latest solution from the crackpot right

Mining The Border

by digby

Maybe this is why the US has refused to ban land mines. We’re keeping our options open for the war with Mexico:

The Republican nominee for a northern New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary.


During the May 18 interview with KNMX radio in Las Vegas, N.M., Mullins said the U.S. could mine the border, install barbed wire and post signs directing would-be border jumpers to cross legally at designated checkpoints.

“We could put land mines along the border. I know it sounds crazy. We could put up signs in 23 different languages if necessary,” Mullins says in the radio interview, where he also expressed concern that terrorists could carry a nuclear weapon across the Mexican border.

He explained Monday the suggestion about land mines was something he’d heard while campaigning, and that it came in response to a complaint that nothing could be done to secure the border.

“When I heard it, I said, ‘Well, that’s an interesting concept,”‘ Mullins said.

As he did in the radio interview, Mullins went on to say the national laboratories could be directed to develop non-lethal detection equipment to improve border security.

“People are concerned about securing our borders,” Mullins said. “We’re hopeful we don’t have additional terrorist attacks. They expect our central government to actually do something and not avoid the problem.”

Why not just nuke Mexico and solve the problem once and for all? Poison gas? It worked for Saddam.

How many of these extremist nutballs are running for office anyway? Is there even one sane new Republican on a ticket anywhere?


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