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The Sage Of MSNBC

The Sage Of MSNBC

by digby

Just think of all the good journalists who are out of work when you watch this slipshod performance by Li’l Luke:

Aside from the sheer obviousness of the patented Russertesque analysis, don’t you think somebody could have pointed out to him during this “report” that Joe Barton is not the Chairman of the Committee, but rather the ranking member of the minority party? Does he not know that or does he have visions of his dad’s elections night whiteboards dancing in his head and think the Republicans have already won?

Either way, this is just wrong. Send the kid to Kansas City for a while and let him learn how to be a real reporter before putting him on TV and pretending he’s some kind of reincarnation of their dear departed leader. It’s just embarrassing for everyone.

h/t to ptd


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