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Trusting Galt — Ron Paul says suspicion of BP is misplaced and congress should just let them do their own thing.

Trusting Galt

by digby

From Kentucky blog Barefoot and Progressive:

The House of Representatives just voted 420-1 to give subpoena power to a presidential commission investigating the BP catastrophe.

Who was that one vote?

Oh come on, who do you think? Ron Paul.

Oh, and here’s what Father Liberty had to say about the BP escrow account last night:

BP’s $20 billion escrow fund is a “PR stunt” that came about through a “suspicious” process, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Tuesday night.


“They have agreed to this and this is sort of a PR stunt as far as I’m concerned,” Paul told Fox News. “BP had already been making a lot of payments to people who had been injured.”

Paul emphasized that he wants BP to pay for all the damage they’ve caused, but said he was wary of government pressure on the corporation.

Of course we can trust these guys to do the right thing. What have they ever done to make us suspect they wouldn’t? And if they don’t, you can always hire a cheap lawyer and sue (at least until Paul and his fellows enact tort reform.) Meanwhile, it will only take 15 or 20 years to find out that you aren’t getting any money. By that time BP will have spun off its liabilities to an entity that no longer exists anyway, so your legal fees will be all you have to show for it. But hey, the market worked and that means the Gods have been appeased.

I’m sure Rand Paul’s wig agrees with this, btw. After all, he thinks even trash talking BP is un-American. Forcing them to pay for their mistake is tantamount to treason.


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