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Virtually Speaking Sunday: The great Avedon Carol (and moi too.)

Virtually Speaking Sunday

by digby

On Blogtalk radio:

Call-in Number: (646) 200-3440
Upcoming Show: 6/27/2010 5:00 PM
Host Name: Virtually Speaking
Show Name:
Virtually Speaking Sundays: Digby and Avedon Carol

You all know li’l ole me. And:

Avedon Carol’s Sideshow has been snarking, and providing ripping good political analysis for as long as there has been a blogosphere. Mockery and thoughtful analysis will be featured.

I have loved The Sideshow from my earliest days of blogging. But I’ve never spoken to Avedon in person before, so this is going to be a real treat. She’s one of the very sharpest and most fearless bloggers around.

If you’re a Second Life type, you can join us here. 8pm edt, 5pm pdt


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