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Looking straight into the rearview mirror

Staring Directly In The Rearview Mirror

by digby

Looks like somebody’s playing the blame game:

Good news for accountability advocates: The government will soon launch an investigation of claims that it was involved with the torture, abuse, and “rendition” of terrorism suspects. The British government, that is. Eighteen months into the Obama administration, there has been no movement towards a full, public investigation of America’s treatment of detainees. But on Tuesday afternoon in the UK, David Cameron, the new conservative prime minister, announced that his government will launch an inquiry into Britain’s role in alleged detainee abuse. “Our reputation as a country that believes in human rights, justice, fairness and the rule of law—indeed for much of what the [security and intelligence] services exist to protect—risks being tarnished,” Cameron said. “The longer… questions [about potential abuse] remain unanswered, the bigger the stain on our reputation as a country that believes in freedom, fairness and human rights grows.”

Well maybe the Brits need to do this but “America doesn’t torture.” Both Bush and Obama told me so. Our newspapers won’t even use the word, that’s how much we hate it. So we don’t have to think about this, thank goodness.


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