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Your Daily Grayson

Your Daily Grayson

by digby

Following up on my post from this morning, here’s a Youtube of the man from Orlando asking the head of HUD why it is that people shouldn’t default on their mortgages:

Update: Howie has a good post up on this subject focusing on the right wing meme that Barney Frank caused the housing crisis. (Not kidding.)

Laughably, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Darrell Issa, Sean Hannity and other Republican clowns have tried to lay the blame for the housing problem on both working families and on progressives and no one more than on Barney Frank. It’s become as much a truism among right-wing dim bulbs that Barney caused the housing bubble as it is that Obama is a fascist socialist Muslim born in Kenya or Indonesia. We caught up with Barney a few minutes ago at an airport on the way back to Boston. He had read the Times piece. “We’ve had,” he began, “the worst economic situation since the Great Depression and it was caused by the right wing’s commitment to deregulation non-regulation. And as to their blaming us, the Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress from 1995 ’til 2006. I deny responsibility personally for the decisions of Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay and Dick Armey. And I can prove that Tom DeLay does not take advise from me… because if he did, I would have told him not to go on that dance show.”


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