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Poor Poor Sarah struggling by on a mere 10M

Poor Sarah

by digby

So according to Forbes, Sarah Palin’s income is not only far more paltry than assumed. Frankly, I’m embarrassed for the poor girl. I’m guessing that First Dude’s going to have to go back to work on the North Slope just to make ends meet:

[A]n investigation by Forbes of Palin’s income since she left office last July (done as part of our research for the annual Celebrity 100 list, out last week), plus a review of her finances from a source with access to her business records, suggests Palin made a far smaller advance and that her earnings over the past 12 months were at best $10 million.

Worse than that, they figure this is probably going to be her best year ever, which means she might as well be destitute.

It’s getting harder and harder to stretch ten million these days, but maybe they can clip some coupons and lay in a bigger supply of moose meat next year. And little Willow must be getting old enough to start pitching in with a paper route. They’re just your average American family struggling to get by in these tough times but I’m sure they’ll all pull together and make it through.

h/t to AK


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