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Voting still open — should the US follow the IMFs advice?

Voting Still Open

by digby

The Wall Street Journal is featuring a poll:

International Monetary Fund advised the Obama administration to consider raising taxes and reducing Social Security benefits as ways to contain the U.S. budget deficit and public debt.

What do you think? Are there other government spending programs which should be tapped first? Are there cuts within Social Security that need to be made? Should the administration focus instead on raising taxes or other deficit-reduction moves?

Last I saw, voting is still open if you’d care to participate.

Here’s an example of the comments:

The Obama Adminsitration shows its incompetence in so many ways and this is one of them. What we have now is “crony capitalism” and FASCISM on a grand scale. Obama’s political and economic views may be socialist in orientation, but his implementation ghas been fascist because he has left many of the companies in private hands, while controlling them centrally.

Obama SQUANDERS money by the trillions, but now plans to CUT the benefits of millions of S-S recipients who paid into the systems for years while forcing millions of others to wait additional time to collect from an incredibly MEDIOCRE pension plan that they paid into. Gee, his magnanimity is amazing.

I resent and am angered by the loss of freedoms imposed by Obamacare and his other Marxist mandates.

I refuse to recognize any obligation to my fellow Americans but this one: “to respect their freedoms and leave them alone.” Likewise, I do not expect or hope that my fellow citizens and taxpayers will bail me out if and when I make a mistake, a bad investment or otherwise screw up.

Take responsibility for your actions, folks.

I realize that is hilariously incoherent (as are most of the other comments.) But it does point up the fact that Obama isn’t going to get any credit for cutting social security from anyone but the billionaires, even those who scream the loudest about “the deficit.” Somebody needs to tell David Axelrod.


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