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The telling headline: “Obama picks advisor to cut deficit”

The Agenda

by digby

Here’s a positive headline for you from the Boston Globe:

Obama picks adviser to cut deficit

“Jack’s challenge over the next few years is to use his extraordinary skill and experience to cut down that deficit and put our nation back on a fiscally responsible path. And I have the utmost faith in his ability to achieve this goal as a central member of our economic team,’’ Obama said.

Senate Budget Committee chairman Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota, called Lew “a superb choice’’ and a person of “the highest integrity.’’

“He knows how to make the tough choices. And he knows how to reach across the aisle to find bipartisan solutions,’’ Conrad said.

Obama also said this:

“At a time when so many families are tightening their belts, he’s going to make sure that the government continues to tighten its own.”

Any questions?


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