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The President throws down on unemployment insurance. Finally.

Obama Throws Down

by digby

This is overdue, but very welcome.

More like this please.

And like this too, from Senate candidate Elaine Marshall, who gets right to the point:

Right now, it’s important we show Senator Burr– and his buddies in Washington– that ordinary folks aren’t going to stand for these overtly political games. But there is also a smear campaign that we have to refute– here are some simple points that our campaign has put together on the extension:

1. Jobless aid stimulates the economy. This aid has an impactful dual effect as it helps people who need it most and puts money into the economy. It pays for essential services (food, rent, car insurance, etc…) which puts money right back into the hands of small business and works to stimulate the economy.

2. It’s simply the right thing to do. These are the people who are hurting most during the recession. There is only one job opening for every five out-of-work persons, which means millions cannot find work in this recovering economy.

3. Extending aid has bipartisan support. While Republicans like Senator Burr are attempting to score cheap political points by hurting the unemployed, the extension of this aid has support from economists across party lines. Just ask NYT liberal economist Paul Krugman and former McCain economic advisors!

The Dems need to go to the mattresses on this. It’s true that it’s economically short sighted and needlessly divisive to be saying the the jobless are all lazy and refusing to put any more money into this moribund economy. But mostly, it’s just plain old immoral to play cheap politics with people’s lives this way, and these lying hypocrites on the right who love to portray their “vlaues” as being superior are on the wrong side. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.


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