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Afghan soldiers and their BMWs — it’s not what you think

Afghan Soldiers and their BMWs

by digby

It’s not what you think. In fact it’s so stupid I can hardly stop laughing:

Last month, reports surfaced that a number of Afghan soldiers studying at the Defense Language Institute at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas had been going AWOL. A “Be on the Lookout” bulletin was posted for 17 of them, and the base said they had left the base over the course of 18 months. Afghan soldiers on the loose in the U.S.? Fox News, of course, latched onto the story.

Fox went on to report that seven of the original AWOL Afghans had been accounted for — then upped the number of Afghans that had gone missing over the years to 46. But Fox News’ latest scoop puts quite a, um, twist on the story.

We’ll let them take over here:

A loose network of Mexican-American women, some of whom may be illegal immigrants, have been responsible for helping numerous Afghan military deserters go AWOL from an Air Force Base in Texas, has learned.

Many of the Afghans, with the women’s assistance, have made their way to Canada; the whereabouts of others remain unknown. Some of the men have been schooled by the women in how to move around the U.S. without any documentation.

The Afghan deserters refer to the women as “BMWs” — Big Mexican Women — and they often are the first step in the Afghans’ journey from Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, to Canada, a diplomatic official told

Evidently the Fox audience fears for their lives what with all these big illegals and Afghan terrorists in cahoots and running around God knows where, maybe right in their own home towns. Run for your lives!

How stressful it is to be so frightened of non-whites in this multi-cultural country. They must be incontinent every time they go to the grocery story.


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