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Impeachment! Yes They Can!

Impeachment? Yes They can!

by digby

I think Steve Benen is right and that every Republican should be asked if they support the growing call for Obama’s impeachment from the right wing. People need to know whether a new GOP majority will continue to waste the nation’s time during this period of economic turmoil with a vanity project, once again try to usurp the people’s will to remove a duly elected president. It needs to be factored into their decision in November.

My guess is that they will all say they will support it if there is evidence, which they will leave undefined. It’s unlikely they will “take it off the table” as the Democrats did because they would sorely like to do some damaging hearings and if something “impeachable” comes up they’ll be happy to use it to make sure we have president Gingrich (or something equally heinous) come 2013.

Here’s the agenda according to Michelle Bachman:

“Oh, I think that’s all we should do,” Bachmann said. “I think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another. And expose all the nonsense that is going on.”

People thought Bob Barr and Dan Burton were nuts too. Until they got it done. And both of them are considered perfectly respectable people today.

The lesson for Republicans if they win this November will be that there is no downside to crazy.


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